Monday, March 19, 2012

Quinten Needs Your Vote - Tuesday, March 20th

Okay - thanks to all of you, Quinten won his last bracket in the Cutest Baby contest and has moved onto ROUND 2!!! Tomorrow - Tuesday, March 20th he will be taking on Jackson M. Jackson was quite the contender last round, so he's going to be tough to beat. We need you to VOTE AS MANY TIMES AS YOU CAN!!!! FROM AS MANY DEVICES AS YOU HAVE!!
**Some of these kiddos are getting 1200+ votes, which means people must be voting from anywhere and everywhere. So - that means, we can too!

If you have the following devices: Laptop, work computer, home computer, Smartphone, iPad, Kindle Fire, etc...please take a moment and cast a quick vote from each of them for our little Quinny. It will be much appreciated.

**I will be posting this request on my Facebook page as well tomorrow - so, another thing you can do is if you are my friend on FB - you can click "SHARE" this link and it will go out to all of your FB friends as well!

**Lastly, please tell all of your family/friends about the voting.

Many of you have asked what's the prize? We are excited about it - of course, bragging rights ranks the top of the list....but also Quinny can win a $1,000 educational fund (and we have full aspirations for him to one day attend a college program) and also $1,000 Elan Photography package so we can have his photos taken - we'd really LOVE to get a new Family Portrait done with the 5 of us.

So, remember to vote on Tuesday - as many times as possible. Go to and find the Mini Madness Round 2 Link on the homepage.

Thanks Again,
Mandy & Quinten Chadwick

Vist Baby Chadwick's CaringBridge Blog:

Friday, March 16, 2012

World Down syndrome Day - 3:21

If I had to do it all over again........I'd change nothing! Simple as that - nothing. I love our life. I love our family. I simply love everything that life has presented to us. Period.

Help Celebrate World Down syndrome Day next week. On 3-21 (March 21st) is the day. Get it? 3-21....3 chromosomes on the 21st chromosome. Pretty easy to remember each year.

Please visit this video that was on my newest, most favorite website that I've found. Get your kleenex ready though - and I don't recommend watching it at work, at your desk over lunch like I did. People will wonder what's wrong with you.

Lastly, if you'd like to learn more about World Down syndrome day to find out how you can help promote the day, or contribute to the research of Ds visit:

Vist Baby Chadwick's CaringBridge Blog:

Monday, March 12, 2012

Please Vote for Quinten's Photo - Cutest Baby Contest on Local Radio Station

We know that Quinten is one cutie-pie, and a, let's all join in the fight to help him win the CUTEST BABY CONTEST on our local radio station. Kevin entered Quinn's photo from his last hospital stay and he was selected from nearly 1,000 entries to become one of the 64 finalists. The contest is a "Mini Madness" bracket contest similar to "March Madness" brackets where each kiddo competes against another kiddo, and the winner of that bracket advances the competition.

Quinten will be featured tomorrow (TUESDAY) on the bracket - so we need your help to vote for him starting tomorrow, and only tomorrow!! Please vote at this website:

Here's the photo submitted:

Spread the word video - Help stop the "R-Word"

Vist Baby Chadwick's CaringBridge Blog:

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Update - Saturday, Day 6 of Hospitalization we are on Day 6 of Quinten's hospital stay for severe respiratory distress, and bronchiolitis. He is a little fighter and overall in very good spirits. All of the nurses are IN LOVE with him (of course), and Kevin stayed there last night and reported that nursing students were bringing other students into Quinten's room just to meet him and to see him because they think he's sooo cute! They aren't telling us anything we don't already know though.

The weening off oxygen is going much slower that we had anticipated. He's now on 1/16 - and has to be able to sleep while on that without dropping below 90 percent oxygen. He has difficulty maintaining while he sleeps, but when awake he's 95-98! He has to get to 1/32, and then on room air. Once on room air, he'll need to sleep and be monitored for 24 hours. So you can see we are still days away from coming home.

We appreciate all of your prayers! Please keep prayer for our darling little angel. We want him home as soon as possible, but we want to make sure he's healthy enough too. Here are some photos of our week:

Vist Baby Chadwick's CaringBridge Blog:

Thursday, March 1, 2012

We Are Still Here!

We are still at Children's Hospital. Quinten has been moved to the pediatric general floor as of yesterday but is still weening off the oxygen. I had hoped that today would go better, but his little body isnt quite ready I guess. He struggles to maintain greater than 90 percent when sleeping so the nurses keep having to bump him up while he sleeps.

Tomorrow is another day. Let's pray for him tonight and maybe he will do better tomorrow and we can be on our way home with our little baby boy.

I am having some stir crazy moments in this room, and I Really miss the other boys so I think Kevin is going to come tomorrow after work so I can go home and spend the night with the boys and get a good nights rest free of loud pulse ox alarms!

Vist Baby Chadwick's CaringBridge Blog: