Thursday, January 26, 2012

New Two Month Photos

On a last-minute whim, I took Quinten for some two month photos. I usually like to get 6 week photos, then 3 months photos - but I'm a little off with him. Shortly after Christmas he got a horrible rash all over his face and body, and it took us many weeks trying to figure out what he was "allergic" or irritated by. Turns out its most likely our fabric softener or laundry detergent, but who knows? We changed his soap, lotions, laundry name it we changed it so that it didn't have dyes and fragrances. Needless to say, he was in no condition to be photographed. His skin is still REALLY dry and requires extra care and Eucerin lotion applied 2-3 times a day (but also could be from his thyroid too).

I am STILL waiting on that first smile from him. I am anxiously waiting and trying really hard to get one out of him. I can't wait until he starts smiling. He does well tracking with his eyes and he listens intently to us when we talk to him, it just takes a lot of muscles to smile. As soon as he does - you can bet that I will post those pictures.

Here are a few of my favorite pics from our day!

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Friday, January 20, 2012

Braggin' Rights

Okay, so today I am here to brag on Quinten. Yesterday we met with the Early Intervention (EI) therapists from Easter Seals. He saw a Developmental Therapist (DT) and a Physical Therapist (PT). Both of them evaluated him as compared to a typical child of his age. We knew he'd have some delays, no doubt - that just comes with the terrority. But what a little Super Star he is!! The PT put him into "Prone" position and he just popped his head right on up as if to say..."I do this all the time, lady." She was shocked, totally took her off guard. Our little peanut made me so proud that I cried. People tell me everyday that he was put on this earth to help us view life in a different way, and to appreciate life more . Today, Quinn made me understand:

1. Pure and solid PRIDE as a mother (and I know Kevin was proud too)
2. REALIZATION that he IS more like my other children, than different.
3. Utter and hands-down EXCITEMENT for him and for all of those Super Star moments yet to come from him!
4. ANTICIPATION for what else this little guy is going to teach me about life, family, love, acceptance, differences, diversity, inclusion, the list just goes on and on......

After the full PT and DT evaluation, it was decided that he is delayed in some areas and right on track for others. So, PT is going to take place once per month right now, and DT will be on a quarterly basis until he gets a little older. We have asked to have him evaluated by a Feeding Therapist in the near future since he's still having gulping issues and loses quite a bit of his bottle during feeding. We are still on the ultra-low nipple too, and so it still takes him about 40 minutes to eat! We'd like for him to get used to a faster nipple, and eat a little faster (especially when the clock reads 4am).

Other than that - his therapy went great, and we earned some major Braggin' Rights yesterday!!

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Monday, January 16, 2012

I'm Almost 7 Weeks Old!

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to say hello - can you believe that I am almost 7 weeks old already? Mommy took this picture of me the other day, while I was doing my physical therapy (Tummy Time). Aren't I doing good? Mommy and Daddy are so proud of me. I can hold my head up pretty good which they love to see and cheer me on! I meet with my Physical Therapist next week, and she'll be evaluating me so mommy is really trying hard to impress her...I guess this only the beginning of working hard. I hope I make a good impression on them. They will recommend the type and frequency of my PT after that session, and then the real work will officially begin.

Doctors officially diagnosed me with having Congenital Hypothyrodism. I had been getting a weekly blood test to watch my thyroid levels, and it just wasn't cooperating so they put me on medicine. Its a pill that mommy has to crush up, then dissolve in water and feed me through an eye dropper every morning. Its a little tricky taking my medicine because it has to be given either 30 minutes before I eat, or 30 minutes after I eat. I usually wake up screaming for food and/or I fall asleep during my feedings - so getting the timing down just right can be tricky, but mommy does it every day. I likely will be on this medicine for the rest of my life, you see the thyroid is critical at regulating metabolism, and that means learning and development for me. So I have to have these meds everyday so that I can keep up on my learning. I take the medicine like a champ though!!

My big brothers continue to be the best big brothers ever! Ethan is very helpful with me, and Caden still just wants to touch me all the time and kiss me. Its kind of annoying - but I'd rather him love me than pinch me:)

Just wanted to say hi to everyone and let everybody know that I am doing well!!

XOXOXO - Quinten

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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Caden Turns 4 Years Old!

My baby (well now, my middle child) turned 4 years old last week. We celebrated at home with Grandma and Grandpa Bohlmann on his actual birthday, and he got a new Razor scooter,a Spiderman fishing pole, a blue "iPod" (per his request), some puzzles and a squinkies dispenser(from older brother Ethan). This past weekend, we celebrated his birthday - Spiderman Style!!

He had 9 little friends/family attend his birthday party, and the kids even came dressed up in their favorite Superhero costume. Food consisted of: Green Goblin Juice, Peter Parker Piggies (pigs in a blanket) and Bugs on a Log (celery with cream cheese/raisins). Homemade cake (made by Mandy) was served with Green Hulk Smash ice cream (Lime Sherbert). Caden had lots of fun playing with his friends at his house - doesn't take much to entertain a bunch of 4-year olds.

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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

What a great end to 2011 -- full of Christmas celebrations, family feasts, gifts galore, visits from family (coast to coast literally) and blessings and prayers answered!

As we closed 2011 with friends at the Knights of Columbus kid celebration, I reflected on what a hard year 2011 was for us as a family. Indeed we had a lot of surprises with our son, Quinten and what seemed so bleak a few months ago has turned into a blessing beyond words. Already in his short month of life, he has grounded me, humbled me, and showed me the power of prayer. No doubt 2012 may be full of challenges and surprises as well, but I know this is going to be a great year of spiritual growth for me as we watch Quinten meet his learning and development milestones. He is going to have to work incredibly hard in his therapy sessions just to achieve milestones that most of us take for granted with typical children. Caden and Ethan love to help him do his "daily exercises" like tummy time, and the "lift up game" where we pull his arms and he lifts his head off the boppy. I know that as we continue with his therapies - big brothers will be very involved in the little "games" that we play with him to strengthen his muscles.

2011 was a great year and I am so blessed to be mommy to all three of my boys. Caden and Ethan bring us joy everyday watching them grow into the little men that they are - enjoying school and friends, and most of all HOCKEY! What fun its been to watch both of them excel in this sport and be so excited about playing each week. I am so thankful for the health of my family, the love I receive each day from my husband Kevin and the boys, and for all the love and support from our family and friends.

Here's to a wonderful 2012 - and Happy New Year to all of you! God Bless. Keep in touch in the new year, I will continue blogging as much as I can.


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