As we closed 2011 with friends at the Knights of Columbus kid celebration, I reflected on what a hard year 2011 was for us as a family. Indeed we had a lot of surprises with our son, Quinten and what seemed so bleak a few months ago has turned into a blessing beyond words. Already in his short month of life, he has grounded me, humbled me, and showed me the power of prayer. No doubt 2012 may be full of challenges and surprises as well, but I know this is going to be a great year of spiritual growth for me as we watch Quinten meet his learning and development milestones. He is going to have to work incredibly hard in his therapy sessions just to achieve milestones that most of us take for granted with typical children. Caden and Ethan love to help him do his "daily exercises" like tummy time, and the "lift up game" where we pull his arms and he lifts his head off the boppy. I know that as we continue with his therapies - big brothers will be very involved in the little "games" that we play with him to strengthen his muscles.
2011 was a great year and I am so blessed to be mommy to all three of my boys. Caden and Ethan bring us joy everyday watching them grow into the little men that they are - enjoying school and friends, and most of all HOCKEY! What fun its been to watch both of them excel in this sport and be so excited about playing each week. I am so thankful for the health of my family, the love I receive each day from my husband Kevin and the boys, and for all the love and support from our family and friends.
Here's to a wonderful 2012 - and Happy New Year to all of you! God Bless. Keep in touch in the new year, I will continue blogging as much as I can.

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