Hi Everyone,
I wanted to say hello - can you believe that I am almost 7 weeks old already? Mommy took this picture of me the other day, while I was doing my physical therapy (Tummy Time). Aren't I doing good? Mommy and Daddy are so proud of me. I can hold my head up pretty good which they love to see and cheer me on! I meet with my Physical Therapist next week, and she'll be evaluating me so mommy is really trying hard to impress her...I guess this only the beginning of working hard. I hope I make a good impression on them. They will recommend the type and frequency of my PT after that session, and then the real work will officially begin.
Doctors officially diagnosed me with having Congenital Hypothyrodism. I had been getting a weekly blood test to watch my thyroid levels, and it just wasn't cooperating so they put me on medicine. Its a pill that mommy has to crush up, then dissolve in water and feed me through an eye dropper every morning. Its a little tricky taking my medicine because it has to be given either 30 minutes before I eat, or 30 minutes after I eat. I usually wake up screaming for food and/or I fall asleep during my feedings - so getting the timing down just right can be tricky, but mommy does it every day. I likely will be on this medicine for the rest of my life, you see the thyroid is critical at regulating metabolism, and that means learning and development for me. So I have to have these meds everyday so that I can keep up on my learning. I take the medicine like a champ though!!
My big brothers continue to be the best big brothers ever! Ethan is very helpful with me, and Caden still just wants to touch me all the time and kiss me. Its kind of annoying - but I'd rather him love me than pinch me:)
Just wanted to say hi to everyone and let everybody know that I am doing well!!
XOXOXO - Quinten

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