Monday, February 27, 2012

Quinten is in the PICU-Darn it!!

Well, yesterday just did not go as planned. Wow, I should know better after having three children that I can't plan life! I am just a passenger on this crazy train called life.

Quinten came down with a nasty cough last Monday night and so Kevin took him to see his pediatrician on Tuesday. He did an RSV test which was negative, and sent him home with instructions that it was viral and that if his respirations increased that we should go to the hospital. Fast forward to Thursday night right before bedtime, he was struggling a lot to eat his bottle and his respirations were high. So I packed hm up and we headed for the ER. He was given a chest X-ray (all clear) and given some nebulizer treatments and we were sent home again. Within 48 hours the little peanut slept almost nonstop, kept having a temperature and eventually had no interest in eating much. He became pasty white and then I knew my baby wasnt acting right. I called the pediatrician yesterday before lunch and we were instructed to go to the ER again. Yikes! His pulse ox was 57/60- "that can't be right I said, he doesn't look 60". But it was right. They called for the chopper and things started moving very quickly at that time.

They were able to get him stable enough in Bloomington and the helicopter wasn't flying. Because of wind so he got another ambulance ride. I was so scared. The nurse said that had we waited much longer to bring him in, the outcome may not have been the same.

So here we are in Peds ICU. He is on hi flo oxygen, coughing a lot, and more alert than yesterday. He has his pinkiness back too and is acting much more like my little baby. He is getting frequent breathing treatments and suctioning. His diagnosis is Bronciolitis. They thought maybe pneumonia but that was negative. We are quarantined from everyone because he is contagious to other kiddos on the floor. Right now, we are just praying for his breathing to get better, for his lungs to clear out and for the infection to go away.

Thank you for all the prayers.

Vist Baby Chadwick's CaringBridge Blog:

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Photo Dump

Well, we all survived this week! This was my first full week back at work and although the nights were shorter, and I was up hours before the sun came up...we all got to where we needed to go in the mornings and no one was left unforgotten anywhere for afternoon pickup:) (This we considered was quite an accomplishment since we are going in all different directions)!

It takes a lot of time, planning in the evenings of packing lunches, going through school bags, making bottles and packing the diaper bag, then getting ourselves to bed at a decent time to make it all work and run smoothly. Together it is a lot of TEAMWORK between Kevin and I and I am so glad that he is my partner in life. I feel like we sort of have a schedule going - so for those of you who were thinking of me this past week as I went back to work, thanks! It all worked out well.

Here is a photo dump of what's been going on in the Chadwick Furious Five Household lately. Ethan's hockey team played at the Bloomington Blaze game in between periods last Sunday and his buddy Corey Arbuckle (and family) came to watch him, Kevin and I had a night out at the Lady Antebellum/Darius Rucker concert for my birthday, and Quinn is growing big and stronger everyday. We are keepin' busy....

Vist Baby Chadwick's CaringBridge Blog:

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

"A-HA" Moments

I've been having some "A-Ha" moments lately, as Oprah would call them. Those moments in life where "you just suddenly GET IT" -- like it slaps you on the head!

When Quinten was born, and we were transfering him to the NICU, I had one of those moments. About 6 months ago Kevin and I were invited to a downtown coffee shop to meet with Jean Bates (President of Central Illinois Down Syndrome Organization) and learn more about CIDSO and the resources that would be available to us after Quinten was born. Sitting in that coffee shop listening to Jean's story of her daughter Christie, born 35 years ago, I was full of fear, unknowns, and confusion about our future. 35 years ago was a different time than it is today, I kept reassuring myself. Jean has done an amazing job being Christie's advocate and she tells us the awesome things that Christie has accomplished in her life. Christie graduated from the public school system, went onto Heartland Community College and took classes specifically developed for people with disabilities, Christie has worked at Jewel Grocery store for 15 years, and she even drives! That day over coffee and tea, Jean made a statement to me that I could not quite understand or comprehend. She simply stated, "I used to get angry and ask myself, why her? Why does Christie have to be this way? Why does she have to work so much harder than everyone else?" As I listened to her words - I was taken aback because ever since our diagnosis with Quinten I never stopped to ask "Why HIM?" -- I was always asking myself "Why Me? Why Us? Why Our Family has to change?" selfish of ME! This isn't about me I decided, and I felt guilty for even thinking that way about Quinten. This is about him and what HE'S going to have to endure.

The full "A-HA" moment for me came once I met little Quinten for the first time on November 30th. When we realized that he was sick and needed to be transferred to the NICU my so-called "A-HA" moment hit me on the head like a ton of bricks! "WHY HIM?" I asked....not "WHY US?" All of my love for this little guy overtook me, and I finally got what Jean was saying those months before.

Yesterday, Kevin, Quinten and I had the pleasure of having lunch with Jean Bates and this time meeting Christie (age 35) for the first time. Christie is such a beautiful woman. She talked about her job at Jewel, and how she also does modeling on the side. She has done a lot of self-advocacy work and does a number of speaking engagements with Jean throughout the year. She even told us that she recently has gotten her first boyfriend, Jeremy! She and Jeremy have gone to lunch, movies, and she's even met his family. They are planning a special dinner for Valentines Day as well. Watching Jean and Christie interact with one another through lunch, whether it was Jean helping her finish her sentences, or quietly whispering to her to wipe her mouth with a thing was clear to me, there is a special bond between this mother and daughter. They have shared so much in their 35 years together that I am inspired to be a better mom to ALL of my boys just because of having Jean and Christie in my life. I hope to one day be sitting across the table like that with Quinten as an adult, and sharing our story or words with a new family who has just learned of a diagnosis of Ds. I will tell them, "this is not the end...its only the beginning of an amazing life."

I have so much to learn. And we know that there will be difficult times ahead with our family, but as I keep feeling these "A-HA" moments in makes the picture become much clearer for me and helps me navigate the journey of life with my family.

Vist Baby Chadwick's CaringBridge Blog:

Monday, February 6, 2012

A Little of This...and A Little of That!

Well, its been a while since I made a post. Things are still good and running smoothly in the Chadwick Household! Ethan celebrated his 100th day of school last week (this is apparently a very big deal) and was moved up two levels in his Hockey League! We are very proud of him and enjoy watching him having so much fun. Here's a photo of him playing:

Caden has unfortunately decided that Hockey is not the sport for him (at least for now). He was very excited to move up a class and get all of his equipment and gear, but then once he was dressed we couldn't get him out on the ice! We tried 2 weeks in a row - and finally, we said if he doesn't want to play we aren't going to force him. He's been fine with it and hasn't missed playing at all. Maybe he'll like Baseball:)

Quinten continues to be the most content, pleasant and wonderful baby any parents could ask for! He stays up for hours at a time, alert and content and barely makes a peep. He is eating well and growing fantastically. We had his 2 month checkup last week and he weighs 10lbs 15oz and has grown 2 inches since December, now 22 inches long! He's in the 75th percentile for both height and weight on his own Ds charts. He is amazing us each day with his determination to get that head-up and holding it for a few seconds. We haven't started his therapy sessions yet, we are still waiting to get everything going with Easter Seals and Early Intervention - but we hope to start in a few weeks! Here is a great picture of him that Kevin took tonight while I was gone at a class - my mouth dropped when I saw it:

Lastly, I have to admit that I am VERY sad....(and not because I turned 36 last week either). But for another reason. Beyond my control, I must return to work this week on Thursday. My 10 weeks of maternity leave and extended FMLA time with Quinten have come to an end. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself at work, without him. My heart hasn't felt this heavy in a really long time. I know he's in excellent hands with our beloved sitters, Yvonne and Karen - but my mommy time with him is going to be shortened by so many hours in the day. I just don't want to miss a moment with him. Do you think its too late to play the lottery? Maybe I could get that winning ticket....hmmmm...I'm going to have to check into that.

One more thing - if you get a chance, check out this link to a great eye-opening article. I feel it is my mission now to educate my family and friends on the Down Syndrome community and issues that surround us each and everyday. I read A LOT - books, articles, blogs, message boards (sometimes too much). I am constantly learning about DS and what we can all do to educate and advocate for our kiddos. So, please take a moment and read just a little today. Thanks! Love you all!

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