Caden has unfortunately decided that Hockey is not the sport for him (at least for now). He was very excited to move up a class and get all of his equipment and gear, but then once he was dressed we couldn't get him out on the ice! We tried 2 weeks in a row - and finally, we said if he doesn't want to play we aren't going to force him. He's been fine with it and hasn't missed playing at all. Maybe he'll like Baseball:)
Quinten continues to be the most content, pleasant and wonderful baby any parents could ask for! He stays up for hours at a time, alert and content and barely makes a peep. He is eating well and growing fantastically. We had his 2 month checkup last week and he weighs 10lbs 15oz and has grown 2 inches since December, now 22 inches long! He's in the 75th percentile for both height and weight on his own Ds charts. He is amazing us each day with his determination to get that head-up and holding it for a few seconds. We haven't started his therapy sessions yet, we are still waiting to get everything going with Easter Seals and Early Intervention - but we hope to start in a few weeks! Here is a great picture of him that Kevin took tonight while I was gone at a class - my mouth dropped when I saw it:
Lastly, I have to admit that I am VERY sad....(and not because I turned 36 last week either). But for another reason. Beyond my control, I must return to work this week on Thursday. My 10 weeks of maternity leave and extended FMLA time with Quinten have come to an end. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself at work, without him. My heart hasn't felt this heavy in a really long time. I know he's in excellent hands with our beloved sitters, Yvonne and Karen - but my mommy time with him is going to be shortened by so many hours in the day. I just don't want to miss a moment with him. Do you think its too late to play the lottery? Maybe I could get that winning ticket....hmmmm...I'm going to have to check into that.
One more thing - if you get a chance, check out this link to a great eye-opening article. I feel it is my mission now to educate my family and friends on the Down Syndrome community and issues that surround us each and everyday. I read A LOT - books, articles, blogs, message boards (sometimes too much). I am constantly learning about DS and what we can all do to educate and advocate for our kiddos. So, please take a moment and read just a little today. Thanks! Love you all!

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