Quinten came down with a nasty cough last Monday night and so Kevin took him to see his pediatrician on Tuesday. He did an RSV test which was negative, and sent him home with instructions that it was viral and that if his respirations increased that we should go to the hospital. Fast forward to Thursday night right before bedtime, he was struggling a lot to eat his bottle and his respirations were high. So I packed hm up and we headed for the ER. He was given a chest X-ray (all clear) and given some nebulizer treatments and we were sent home again. Within 48 hours the little peanut slept almost nonstop, kept having a temperature and eventually had no interest in eating much. He became pasty white and then I knew my baby wasnt acting right. I called the pediatrician yesterday before lunch and we were instructed to go to the ER again. Yikes! His pulse ox was 57/60- "that can't be right I said, he doesn't look 60". But it was right. They called for the chopper and things started moving very quickly at that time.
They were able to get him stable enough in Bloomington and the helicopter wasn't flying. Because of wind so he got another ambulance ride. I was so scared. The nurse said that had we waited much longer to bring him in, the outcome may not have been the same.
So here we are in Peds ICU. He is on hi flo oxygen, coughing a lot, and more alert than yesterday. He has his pinkiness back too and is acting much more like my little baby. He is getting frequent breathing treatments and suctioning. His diagnosis is Bronciolitis. They thought maybe pneumonia but that was negative. We are quarantined from everyone because he is contagious to other kiddos on the floor. Right now, we are just praying for his breathing to get better, for his lungs to clear out and for the infection to go away.
Thank you for all the prayers.

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