We are still at Children's Hospital. Quinten has been moved to the pediatric general floor as of yesterday but is still weening off the oxygen. I had hoped that today would go better, but his little body isnt quite ready I guess. He struggles to maintain greater than 90 percent when sleeping so the nurses keep having to bump him up while he sleeps.
Tomorrow is another day. Let's pray for him tonight and maybe he will do better tomorrow and we can be on our way home with our little baby boy.
I am having some stir crazy moments in this room, and I Really miss the other boys so I think Kevin is going to come tomorrow after work so I can go home and spend the night with the boys and get a good nights rest free of loud pulse ox alarms!

Vist Baby Chadwick's CaringBridge Blog: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/mandychadwick
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