We know that Quinten is one cutie-pie, and a fighter...so, let's all join in the fight to help him win the CUTEST BABY CONTEST on our local radio station. Kevin entered Quinn's photo from his last hospital stay and he was selected from nearly 1,000 entries to become one of the 64 finalists. The contest is a "Mini Madness" bracket contest similar to "March Madness" brackets where each kiddo competes against another kiddo, and the winner of that bracket advances the competition.
Quinten will be featured tomorrow (TUESDAY) on the bracket - so we need your help to vote for him starting tomorrow, and only tomorrow!! Please vote at this website:
Here's the photo submitted:
Spread the word video - Help stop the "R-Word"

Vist Baby Chadwick's CaringBridge Blog: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/mandychadwick
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