Well, its been awhile since I last posted! Wow...I am way behind on things. So, it may be best if I just update you all in a list format as there have been many changes going on in the Chadwick household:
1. Ethan had his end of season hockey banquet and received his very own patch for his jersey! He was excited.
2. Quinten has been continuing his physical therapy sessions and is doing well. He can now sit upright with support, and we are working on head control. He enjoys his tummy-time each day and can hold his head up well and can even push up on his forearms.
3. Quinten had a swallow study done a few weeks ago, and we found out that he was aspirating during his feedings and taking the formula into the lungs is what most likely caused his bronchiolitis/pneumonia. We are now adding rice to his bottle for thickening purposes and he is getting to be a Chunky Monkey! He eats 30-35 ounces of formula a day, plus 30-35 tablespoons of rice cereal each day. Wow!!!
4. We had Caden's parent-teacher conference and he is doing very well in preschool! His teacher reports that he is very smart...he can write his name, Ethan's and Quinn's now. We are working on his "social skills" since Ms. Mary tells us that he likes to play alone or with just one of the boys in class. I tell ya, our boys are night and day! Ethan is Mr. Social Bee and Caden, we can't get to socialize outside of his comfort zone!
5. Quinten now needs a helmet we think for his head shape. He's had a significant flat side to his head since early on, and although he spends less and less time on his back - his head is not rounding out like we hoped. We were informed tonight from his PT that she's going to put in the orders to have him evaluated and fitted for a helmet. He'll have to wear it for 23 hours in the day and for an unknown amount of time. Could be a few months, could be a year. Oh well. Its what he needs.
6. Kevin got a new job!!!!!! I am very excited to report that he will be coming to Caterpillar and working in Morton in our Logistics facility. Its going to be a change for us, but its a very good opportunity for him. He will be traveling internationally for the first 12 months, but he's going to get to see a ton of amazing countries that some of us can only dream of going to one day. I am a bit jealous to say the least.
7. In all of the chaos, we also managed to redecorate our downstairs living room and kitchen. We have painted (I should say, Kevin has painted). I recovered chairs, hung pictures, carpet is coming this week and a new coffee table ottoman is on order! I love the transformation of the rooms - and very glad to see the yellow and red walls gone.
8. Its hard to believe, but this Thursday Kevin and I will celebrate 9 years of marriage. Where the time has gone, we don't know but it sure has been an exciting 9 years with lots of changes. We both look forward to many more years together watching our boys grow up and define success and happiness in many different ways.
One thing that having Quinn has taught me...I have recalibrated my view of "success and perfection" and life now has a whole new meaning to me!! Its really a wonderful feeling.
Here are some recent photos of the boys! Enjoy and God Bless.

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