Okay, so today I am here to brag on Quinten. Yesterday we met with the Early Intervention (EI) therapists from Easter Seals. He saw a Developmental Therapist (DT) and a Physical Therapist (PT). Both of them evaluated him as compared to a typical child of his age. We knew he'd have some delays, no doubt - that just comes with the terrority. But what a little Super Star he is!! The PT put him into "Prone" position and he just popped his head right on up as if to say..."I do this all the time, lady." She was shocked, totally took her off guard. Our little peanut made me so proud that I cried. People tell me everyday that he was put on this earth to help us view life in a different way, and to appreciate life more . Today, Quinn made me understand:
1. Pure and solid
PRIDE as a mother (and I know Kevin was proud too)
REALIZATION that he IS more like my other children, than different.
3. Utter and hands-down
EXCITEMENT for him and for all of those Super Star moments yet to come from him!
ANTICIPATION for what else this little guy is going to teach me about life, family, love, acceptance, differences, diversity, inclusion, the list just goes on and on......
After the full PT and DT evaluation, it was decided that he is delayed in some areas and right on track for others. So, PT is going to take place once per month right now, and DT will be on a quarterly basis until he gets a little older. We have asked to have him evaluated by a Feeding Therapist in the near future since he's still having gulping issues and loses quite a bit of his bottle during feeding. We are still on the ultra-low nipple too, and so it still takes him about 40 minutes to eat! We'd like for him to get used to a faster nipple, and eat a little faster (especially when the clock reads 4am).
Other than that - his therapy went great, and we earned some major Braggin' Rights yesterday!!

Vist Baby Chadwick's CaringBridge Blog: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/mandychadwick