Yesterday, the feeding therapist changed his slow-flow nipple to a very slow-flow nipple, because he was "gulping down" too fast, which can cause him to choke or aspirate into his lungs. Turns out that the new nipple was really slowing him down in his feedings - he was having to work extra hard just to get milk, and that just tired him out and he gave up taking sometimes only 30 ml - when earlier in the day he was taking around 45-50ml on his own. The night nurse and I made the decision to go back to the old nipple, and he improved with each feeding.
By 630am, he took for the first time, his entire 60ml feeding by bottle on his own. At 930a - the feeding therapist came in to watch him and I expressed my concerns with her and she said it was fine to switch back, and just make sure we help pace him. At 930 and 1230 he took all 60ml on his own!!! So that is a tri-fecta so far...we hope that he continues throughout the day.
Whew! What a night of stress and frustration - I feel much better again today. Let's hope he doesn't do anything else silly today.
Thanks for the prayers sent up last night! God is good.

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