Today was an exhausting day for Baby Quinten. At 2:30am, he increased his feeding to 42ml, by 8:30am he was up to 55ml. After rounds today the doctor says that at a minimum he has to take 55ml-80ml at each feeding for 2 days (and has to complete these within 20minutes), in order for him to be discharged and home by Thursday. I was rooting for him all day long - but the truth of the matter is, he did struggle with this expectation. Sometimes he'd make it, and sometimes he'd fall short of his goal. He had a rough day though -they tried getting a vein this morning for lab work, and he was stuck 8 times before they gave up. Then he had a photo session later on in the day which tired him out, and lastly he had his very 1st nursing session with me. All of these things combined wore him out and he was never really awake-awake for his feedings, making them very long, and a struggle to get his required milk amounts. Only one time today did he pass with 57ml, and the other times he came very close (52ml, 47ml).
The day nurse said that we made enough "excuses" for him today and that she is concerned that he's not getting enough calories to gain weight. Therefore, tonight he is getting a feeding tube which will help supplement his feedings if they continue to fall short. He's getting it placed right before his next feeding.
At this point, it doesn't look like we'll be coming home on Thursday afterall. We are disappointed - but hope that this is only a minor setback.
We really could use some specific prayers tonight - specifically pray for Baby Quinten to have the strength to keep up with his feedings throughout the next 5 feedings before morning and prove to everyone that he can do this, and that he's ready to come home.
We just have to trust in the nurses/doctors that they know what is right for him, and if he's not ready to come home yet - then, he's not ready to come home. We have to take our own parent emotions out of this and insert medical advice and know that he'll come home when he's ready.

Vist Baby Chadwick's CaringBridge Blog:
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