d 8:30, and I was dilated a 5-6. From there things moved pretty fast as we suspected. Once the doc broke my water at around 10:00pm - I was ready to push at 10:45pm...and yes ladies, you can hate me now - I pushed 1 1/2 times and he was here! My mom got to be present at his birth, and I didn't even give her much of a show:) He came into the world screaming!
As he was layed on my chest - I was checking him out for evidence of that cystic hygroma. He does have alot of extra skin on the back of his neck, but Kevin and I were both surprised at the amount of it. Obviously that hygroma was huge - a reminder of just what a miracle he is! His face is so chubby - his cheeks are irresistibly pinchable and kissable. He has a double chin to match his chubby little body. The nurses can't get over the size of his feet and "manly hands." He is just absolutely perfect and adorable! He did very well and got good APGAR scores. But then his oxygen saturation levels began to drop right after birth, so they told us that he needs to go down to the nursery for observation and some oxygen. I got to hold him one last time before they took him - but no one else (not even Daddy) got to hold him that night.
The first night was exhausting - he had to stay, and still remains in the nursery under an oxygen "hood" (See pics). He does sustain his oxygen levels for about 3 hours now at a time without the help of the hood, but his Pediatrician says he needs to be able to be without oxygen assistance for 24 hours before they'll consider him good to go. He's also had to get an IV so he can get fluids and antibiotics - and that has been hell for him! The first night they stuck him 14 times trying to get a vein, and finally called the anaesthesiologist (sp) back in to find one and even he had a difficult time. Only to have the IV come out the next day and he was stuck another 10 times before they gave up and asked the Pediatrician if they could leave it out and just try bottle feedings (I have been pumping) and administering antibiotics through shots. Of course, he'd have to be able tolerate his feedings outside of the hood though. So - we tried a feeding last night at 9pm, and he didn't do so well:( So - once again, he had to get another IV. This time they did get one in his arm - but now that means we can't hold him anymore because we can't take chances of losing that IV again. Kevin did finally get to hold him yesterday though a few times, which I am so glad!
Big brothers Ethan and Caden have been up for visits a few times and so far little Caden is showing that he can't control his love for him. They both were dying to see him - so yesterday the Nursery Nurse unhooked him and brought him to the door and let Daddy hold him and show him off to Grandpa/Grandma and the boys. Caden could hardly contain himself, he just wanted to touch that little baby of his and so we broke the rules and let him take one step inside the nursery. Caden's little hands immediately went to Quinn's little face and just began touching and loving on him. Ethan thought he was pretty cool too - but was much more reserved and just stood back and observed.
So far, medically Quinten has received a chest xray to figure out why he isn't sustaining his oxygen levels. That ruled out any holes in his lungs, and luckily just showed a small amount of fluid which is typical of transition from womb to real world and we hope will go away soon! He's had a full Echo cardiogram done on his heart by a Pediatric Cardiologist, and that showed no signs of major defects - the only thing is said was that they couldn't "rule out PDA" at this point, because it did show that the left side hasn't closed on its own completely yet. Again, we're told not to worry about this and we'll followup on that after we get him released. He also had a foot x-ray done today because he's had some swelling since birth in his right foot. That came back normal as well.
Overall, we are very pleased with Quinten's health - lots of my worries have subsided. We are just disappointed that he's had to remain in the nursery all this time and that no one has been able to see him or hold him yet. He is so loved already, and everyone just wants to love on him. He's going to be overwhelmed with love once people can get a hold of him.
I am being officially released tonight as a patient, but our hospital does allow me to be a boarder and stay here as long as Quinten is here. I basically remain in the same room for as long as I can, and I can come and go as I please, still get my meals if I want (although the food is starting to taste worse and worse)! And that way I get to be with Quinten for as long as I can. We are hoping that he'll start tolerating trials outside of the hood for longer than 3 hours, and start doing his bottle feedings better too! And then he can come home with us.
We'll keep you posted - now that I've gotten all of this out in one HUGE blog!! I am having trouble getting photos uploaded on this site, because they exceed the size allowed. I will be uploading them to my Facebook page, so go there to see them or email me if you want me to send them directly to your email address!!
Continue prayers for us that Quinten makes a quick recovery and can get to come home this weekend!!

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