Thursday, December 8, 2011

What's On the Agenda for Today?

Another busy day in the NICU for Baby Quinten. It doesn't take much to get admitted to this place, but its like Fort Knox trying to get out and get home. These babies sure do have to prove themselves before they can be discharged. All kidding aside - we are so blessed to have Quinten here, the care that he has been given these past 7 days have just been phenomenal and we are very comfortable

that he is ready to come home tomorrow!

At Rounds this morning the doctors told us that he had to accomplish the following things today, in order to be discharged:

1.Continue taking 100% of his feedings by bottle - and if he misses one, then the clock starts over for him and we're here for another 2 days
2.The feeding tube can be removed today (it was pulled this morning and it felt good for him I'm sure)
3.Complete his 90 minute Car Seat test - hooked up to monitors including the Pulse Ox he has to sit in his carseat without any stats dropping (he completed this - but it is obvious to us that any scrunching, or neck laziness - his Pulse Ox is affected. We had to have 5 blankets wedged in, under and around him to keep his airway in line and unobstructed)...looks like I'll be riding in the backseat for awhile and no long road trips for us! -- He PASSED!
4.Complete his Hearing Screen (he failed in Bloomington) -- He PASSED!
5.Complete his Eye Exam (babies with DS can be born with cateracts or have muscular eye problems) -- He doesn't have cateracts, but needs to follow-up in a month with the Opthamologist.
So - we have been very busy today. All good news - plus, his Aunt Heather arrived last night from Arizona:)

Like I said before - we are thankful that we came here to Childrens. As scary as the NICU seemed, we have learned so much about his health already and things that we need to keep an eye on. We have alot of Specialists to see after we go home to follow up on his heart VSD/PDA, his elevated Thyroid results, his eyes, and of course all of that Physical/Feeding/Speech/Occupational Therapy that he will need! We are going to be very busy. But it will be all worth it, for our little miracle baby -- all packaged nice and perfect in his little itty-bitty body!



Vist Baby Chadwick's CaringBridge Blog:

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