I have been thinking a lot abou this post. In fact, I started thinking about it a few months ago and what I wanted to convey on the one year anniversary of finding out that our little son (before we knew he was even a boy) had the largest cystic hygroma on his tiny body that any of the doctor's had seen. It was June 1st last year, that I received that devastating phone call from my doctor about the previous day's ultrasound and how the baby seemed to have a concern with it (See the very first post on this blog, to read about our Journey or follow the caringbridge.org/visit/mandychadwick post to read all about it). I don't want to rehash the story of June 1st, or retell all of those emotions - what I do want to focus on TODAY, is celebration....and what I didn't know one year ago, that I NOW know today! Here goes.....
1. I never knew that I could love a tiny little human being as much as I love my Quinny.
2. I never knew that Down syndrome wouldn't be a word that was scary to me, or would feel so nature flowing off of my tongue.
3. I never knew the power of prayer. I truly believe that prayer is what made Quinten survive the hygroma, and arrive safely into this world despite his less than 5% change of survival.
4. I never knew the power of friendship and how one little guy can touch so many people's lives, indirectly and directly. I continue to be overwhelmed with the stories that our friends have shared with us on how much they hurt last year, and how heavy their hearts were for us -- but now, how much they are so happy to know Quinten.
5. I never knew that we were missing something in our lives, that we didn't know we ever needed. Sometimes pain, and confusion ends up being such a bright and overwhelming clearness to life. I now realize that Quinten has brought us such a gift of acceptance, diversity, inclusion, and many other pieces that we didn't tend to focus on in our families.
6. I never knew we needed more friends or a sense of community. But with Quinten, comes a whole new set of friends from CIDSO (Central Illinois Down sydrome Organization). We have met so many wonderful people whom we would never have met before!
7. I never knew that life's small milestones could be celebrated in such a large capacity! With Quinten - every milestone he achieves, is celebrated. Not unlike my other children, just in a different way.
8. I never knew that my favorite parts of Quinten's little face and body, would be those exact characteristics that I (am being so honest here) - actually feared. His almond-shaped eyes, his little curled ears...and that cute little flattened button nose, are my favorite parts of him! Not to mention his yummy baby toes.
9. Who knew that my relationship with my husband could actually get stronger through all of this? Dealing with an emotional situation, but given a special outcome with blessed results has brought Kevin and I together on a much deeper level. He is my rock, and our family's rock - without him, I don't know where we would be.
10. I never knew that my family wasn't "complete" until Quinny arrived. We were missing something very special, and he has completed our circle of life. We are blessed as a family to have 3 healthy, happy, loving little boys - and I look at them all as perfect and unique in their own little ways. So, if any of you know of anyone who has been faced with a diagnosis of anyting - Ds, CP, Genetic Disorders, Autism....please tell them, from me - that it will be okay!
Life is not always what we thought it would be or what we thought we wanted to plan for ourselves...but someone else has a plan for us, and that plan doesn't involve us choosing our paths.
I'm glad my path took a fork in the road - but you know what? That fork, came right back around in a circle again and brought me right back to the same exact place I needed to be. Life is good!
So instead of dwelling on what a "year ago" meant for me -- Today, I choose to CELEBRATE!! And you know how I get to celebrate tonight? Kevin and I get to take Quinten and my parents to a fundraising event at ISU Ballroom for the large CIDSO Gala this evening - which kicks off the large Golf Outing tomorrow morning. Tonight we get to be surrounded with families with children of all ages, celebrating life tonight - I can't wait to meet everyone and introduce them to our little peanut! That is how I choose to celebrate.

Vist Baby Chadwick's CaringBridge Blog: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/mandychadwick